While working with the FEA portion of Inventor Professional recently, I found some additional workflows that may be a time saver for those performing calculations and edits.
1) Edit geometry while in the context of the FEA application.
My old workflow was to switch back to the part environment to make edits to my model. You can access your features by expanding the browser, right clicking on faces to create new sketches, heck, you can even double click and use 3D grips!
2) Export results of FEA.
Yes I know there is the "Report" button that exports all the results in an html format, but what if I want some of that data connected to my drawings or accessable in my models? After running the simulation, click on the paramaters button. Here you can choose some results such as min. and max Safety Factor and the numbers you used and output them to the part iProperties.
Check It Out Here
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FEA (Found Extra Additional stuff)
Written by Tata Technologies CAD/PLM Geek on Monday, April 28, 2008
Tata Technologies CAD/PLM Geek
Monday, April 28, 2008
Labels: ANSYS FEA , Autodesk Inventor , parameters