Everyone Likes Shortcuts

You can use a little Windows technology and incorporate it into your Inventor workflows.....

I always like when I visit a customer and the manager comes over with his laptop and his entire desktop is covered with icons..."Shortcut to..". There are so many that it would seem confusing and time consuming to find the one you want. I got to thinking that maybe this could be applied to an engineer using Inventor and needing to access a file quickly.

There are a couple of different workflows that you could use to create a shortcut to a specific file that you are working on. Let's take a look at a few. In the video below, I'll show how you can use the Windows shortcut creator to browse and select a file as well as creating a shortcut directly on a specific file. And lastly, if you really want to send the shortcut to your desktop, you can do that as well....You just might want to do it sparingly!

John with the INCAT CAD Geeks

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