Almost every company I work with re-uses design data when it comes to controls engineering. Most common changes maybe descriptions that different companies use, location changes when reusing information at the end of the day there are never or very few times that something does not need to change when reusing designs. There is a great feature inside AutoCAD Electrical that can help making these changes painless. Find/Edit/Replace Component Text command, lets take a look at the steps you need to follow:
Step 1
Select the "Find/Edit/Replace Component Text" command from the "Retag Components" fly out toolbar located on the Main Electrical Toolbar.
Step 2
Select either "Project" "Drawing" or "Active Drawing (Pick)". This selection is used for what drawings / items will be processed in the find and replace.
Note: If you select project the next step would be to select the drawings from the project to include in the process. You can select one or all or any amount in between.
Step 3
Select the check marks by the items you wish to search for. Then give the "Find" string of text and the "Replace" string of text. Then click "Start Search".
Step 4
Cycle through the results. A dialog box is show with the first result found. The user will see all of the attribute information for that component in the result dialog box. Any item can be changed here before moving on. The user has the option to "Skip to Next" "Replace" or "Replace All".
Let's take a look
Created by Dave one of the Cad Geeks
Go straight to tips and tricks for the following Autodesk Products:
Easily Change Verbiage AutoCAD Electrical
Written by Tata Technologies CAD/PLM Geek on Thursday, January 08, 2009
Tata Technologies CAD/PLM Geek
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Labels: AutoCAD Electrical , Edit , Find , Replace