One of the major challenges today is working on a single project that is developed from multiple data sources. Many companies who have to coordinate this type of activity own several different cad systems to accomplish this task. With owning the different cad packages comes the cost of not only purchasing them but also the maintenance that comes with it year after year. Navisworks allows you to perform these same activities with the investment in a single cad package.
Navisworks is compatible with all major native design & laser scan file formats so data from various sources can be combined together to create a single digital model for review, regardless of size.
Let's take a look!!!
Created by Dave one of the Cad Geeks
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Navisworks - Bringing it all Together
Written by Tata Technologies CAD/PLM Geek on Thursday, November 05, 2009
Tata Technologies CAD/PLM Geek
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Labels: cad file formats , merging , Navisworks , translation , units