CAD Geek Ninja Challenge
1. Take the survey - Click Here to take survey
2. Get link to download files
3. Print copies of the two drawings (PDF or DWF)
4. Study the drawings as long as you want (no practice modeling sessions J)
5. Start modeling
6. Email us your parts for checking to cadgeeks@tatatechnologies.com via email, by 9 pm EST Friday 12/4
7. Become a Fan on www.Facebook.com – Search for Tata Technologies CAD Geeks on www.facebook.com (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tata-Technologies-CAD-Geeks/163859769373)
8. Post a comment on our wall saying “I took the CAD Geek Ninja Challenge”
9. Once this has happen your parts will be qued up to be reviewed with results being posted on www.facebook.com next week.
1. Scoring for the Casting part will be a combination of speed and accuracy
a. SPEED - Within your email place tell us how long it took you to model this part, then we will verify that using the Inventor model editing time function, so don’t stare at a blank ipt too long before you being modeling.
2. Scoring for the Sleeve part will be a combination of Least Features and accuracy
Possible Prizes:
1. 3D Connection device - http://www.3dconnexion.com/
2. CAD Geek Ninja T-shirt
3. Free copy of I CHECK IT for Autodesk Inventor - www.tatatechnologies.com/icheckitinventor
4. Free Login to our Autodesk eLearning web site – http://www.myigetit.com