Tata Technologies recently conducted an “Intro To Design Automation With Autodesk Inventor” webinar. This webinar is currently still available for review at: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/683034715
To review any past webinars you can find them at: http://www.tatatechnologies.com/autodesk/Webcast_Download.asp?Menu=Vid
This Automation webcast offered a look into a scalable and affordable path for adding design automation to your Autodesk Inventor workflows. Adding Automation to your design practices has some tremendous benefits like:
• Repetitive tasks done faster / more efficiently
• Reduce order-engineering throughput time
• Reduce order-engineering resources / costs
• Better Sales effectiveness
• Improved quality through consistency
We have also found from a short survey that many companies try to add some level of automation but never fully follow through with the idea due to:
• Knowledge
• Time
• Budget
As covered in the Design Automation with Autodesk Inventor webinar there are 3 ways of adding automation while using Autodesk Inventor:
• Inventor’s native tools
• Inventor iLogic
• Inventor Automation Professional
All 3 options allow for a scalable solution that build on one another and may only take a little time, knowledge and budget to quickly start realizing the benefits of automation.
At Tata Technologies we stand firm on the idea that an educated customer is our best customer. We provide our customers options during the process of investigating our products and services to allow the customer as much information as possible. If you would like to learn more:
• Request a phone call from one of our application engineers to talk about the technology and understand how it will benefit one’s business.
• Schedule a demonstration of Automation Technology
• Email us at cadgeeks@tatatechnologies.com for either of the above or any other needs.
Tata Technologies looks forward to working with you on all your future technical needs!!!
Have a safe and Happy Holiday,
The Tata Technologies CAD Geek Team
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Automating Inventor
Written by Tata Technologies CAD/PLM Geek on Monday, December 21, 2009
Tata Technologies CAD/PLM Geek
Monday, December 21, 2009
Labels: Autodesk Inventor , automation