Inventor Sheet Metal - Contour Roll

I just wanted to take a look at the Contour Roll command inside Inventor 2010. Of course this command will be found in the sheet metal environment, and by the way you can make some really cool shapes with it. So what is a contour flange:

A contour flange is defined using a profile sketch and a straight edge on an existing face. The profile sketch consists of lines, arcs, splines, and elliptical arcs. Contiguous geometry in the profile results in bends in the contour which honor the bend radius value of the sheet metal style. The contour flange can be offset to either side of the profile sketch.

One more important item of note since it lives in the sheet metal environment let's not forget the automatic flat pattern that can be provided. Let's take a look.

Video Link:

Created by one of the Cad Geeks
