Some that are using the new 2010 have noticed that new Solid bodies folder in the part modeling browser. This tool allows us to specify different features inside a single part as unique solids. Before Inventor 2010 all features that were modeled in a single part existed to create that sinlge part. Mass properties and inertial properties were calcualted on all the geometry in that part file. With the New Solid option inside of the common 3d features like Extrusion, Revolve, Loft, Sweep, etc you can specify multiple solid bodies in one part file, instead of them automatically joining as they have in the past. Also new is the the Make Components command that works great with the Solid Bodies feature. You can use the Make Components command to take all those solid bodies from the single part and turn them into parts of an actual assembly. Imagine a combination of some of the more complex derived component and skeletal modeling approahces that some of us have taken in the past. I am currently talking to a number of users about how this will help in creating some of their more complex assembly designs. For a quick example of the workflow required. Take a look at the video below.
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How Solid Bodies can Make Components
Written by Tata Technologies CAD/PLM Geek on Friday, September 04, 2009
Added by Rodney, another one of those CAD Geeks.
Tata Technologies CAD/PLM Geek
Friday, September 04, 2009
Labels: Autodesk Inventor , Autodesk Inventor 2010 , derived assemblies , Derived Component